Friday, September 11, 2009

Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

Troy Duffy finally did it? After the fiasco that was Boondock Saints and his life, he finally got his long awaited sequel made and ready to distribute. Fiasco? Have you seen this film, Overnight:

Basically Troy Duffy sold the script with little to no experience in the industry. Made a million dollars then started spending, abandoning friends he considered leeches and drinking a ton. At the same time, the studios faith in the film and Duffy began to sour. Instead of instilling confidence, Troy Duffy lashed out at producers and studio execs, likening himself to the next John Woo or Tarantino. All in all the film barely got made, was never released in theaters and Duffy had to sell his rights to the movie just to get a distributor to release it strait to DVD. Meaning as popular as it got, he never made a dime.

This is why the first film went strait to DVD, but also why it became a cult classic among college aged guys across the country. It wasn't a movie forced down their throats, it was a film they happened upon or were referred to by a friend. And they loved it.

Boondock is action movie porn and directorial masturbation, but it works. It appeals to the masses, while having the feel of an indie film. It's super quotable, just mention needing a rope to any guy between 19 and 30, and see what they say. Gratuitous violence in the name of God has a soft spot in my heart, and every guy wants to be a vigilante at some point in their life.

But, the sequel:

All Saints Day, which features the majority of the original cast (Except Willem Defoe) could go either way. Either it will try too hard to be the first movie, and not reach a full potential. Or, it will try too hard to be a different film, and abandon the fans that have made the, now, franchise popular. I guess there is a third option, and that is that it will completely dominate. I'm not holding my breath, but I'm sure one of my hundreds of friends that consider the first Boondock Saints one of the best movies ever made will get me into the theater to see it. October 30, 2009.

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