Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Deal is Dead

So remember this post. Just Yesterday. Ehemmm... forget that.

The merger is off.

The best way I can explain it is NGAGE and Hughes were like two young lovers. We were super into each other, finishing each other sentences, similar goals and aspirations. Both of us liked Hugh Grant movies and preferred Reese's Cups to Pieces (if you get what I'm saying). Peas and Carrots as Forrest's momma would say.

Then we decided to get Married. Take the plunge. So we started moving in together just weeks before the nuptials. And then the bickering began. NGAGE always leaving the toilette seat up, Hughes taking up all the closet space. Nagging, differences of opinion and disgusting habits that had never been part of the relationship surfaced.

It was clear that the wedding had to be called off, for each party to remain awesome and retain their friendship.

C'est la vie.

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