Friday, August 28, 2009

Awkward "Boss Over My Shoulder" Text

The iPhone has a fairly standard function that allows a new text message to be previewed on top of its sleep screen. This is über convenient, because I don't have to go in and check my texts, I can just read them really quick.

This function presented a problem yesterday that is epic on the scale of workplace awkwardness.

I have a friend, for the purposes of this post we'll call him Dustin Kaminsky. Dustin noticed yesterday I posted I had been listening to the song, "The Giant of Illinois" by Andrew Bird off the Dark Was the Night compilation album, on repeat for like an hour. I posted a link to the song along with the message. He downloaded it. Liked it. And was compelled to text me about it.

Now to his defense, I was working late, I am usually alone in my office and his texts provide some of the best laughs I get in life. But, for this text, it just so happens that my boss David Johnson and I were discussing proper technique for an After Effect project I'm working on. He was literally right over my shoulder helping me for like an hour. So when Dustin's text came through, he was the first to glance down. I was only alerted to check it when I noticed that he was just staring and pointing in silence.

This is what it said:

Again. The song is called "The Giant of Illinois".

Calm down ladies.

It wasn't a big deal in the slightest. In fact, it was hilarious. I haven't laughed that hard in a while, and Dave got a good one too.

But, it leads me to wonder just how frequently this kind of thing happens, and what the best story is. Comment to this post if you can and tell me yours. If Blogger won't allow you to comment find me on Facebook or Twitter and comment there.

Best story wins a free order of Cinnamon-Sugar Biscuit Holes (with Icing) from Hardee's. Coupon expires September 15th.

1 comment:

  1. My phone doesnt display texts the way yours does, but I have two similar stories.
    -I typically answer my office phone on speaker, because it's easier to type, and I'm usually alone at work. My boss happened to be there one day, and the phone rang, I answered as usual, and the person on the other end happened to be my brother, doing a bad imitation of a certain ethnic group who wanted a car. My boss was not as amused as I was.
    -Just yesterday I was driving a customer back to the office and I received a picture message from someone we'll call Zri Bobrist. It depicted bwaite sprawled on the floor, spent, and was captioned "bwaite in a tickle rape hangover last night". I almost killed us both, and couldnt explain what my text read.

    Long story short, I wish I had an iphone.
