Monday, August 31, 2009

Have I made it clear enough that I love Goodby, Silverstein & Partners

Well, I do.

They have been thought leaders, digital innovators and downright funny people since I was a kid. It wasn't till I attended a forum with Jeff Goodby and he presented their reel that I realized that they were responsible for almost every ad campaign I have ever been floored by, and that GS&P were probably why I got into the Biz in the first place.

Just take a look for yourself, and you tell me if these ads, nay, experiences have stuck with you.

Anyway, saw these on Ffffound today, thought I'd share.

I love this style of illustration, but the message they convey is pertinent as well.

Advertising gets a bad rap. Like lobbyists and lawyers, we are a hated people, until we're needed. The reason being there is noone better at creating buzz, informing, educating, selling and maintaining loyalty than us.

The argument is made that we manipulate people and products so that people are persuaded to buy products they don't need or that aren't any good. And, I won't lie, this happens, but is rarely sustainable. It applies to fads (in a broad sense). I might be able to convince a ton of people to do something once (watch a movie, buy a soda, wear a shoe), but if the product didn't work, I and the company may have lost you for life.

There's a quote I learned while in Ad School. I can't remember if it was a Steve Kopcha original or from the David Ogilvy's of the ad world, but it goes something like, "You can't advertise a shitty product." It falls into the fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me category. Especially in this Facebook/Twitter era, where if something sucks everyone knows.

So, in our truest, purest and least invasive form, Advertising helps people's decision to open their wallet a little or a lot easier. By definition... serving capitalism. We have a place in a capitalist society. And it's not a small place either.

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