Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Great Photography from Steven Klein

I'm not one for celebrity gossip. I can see the publicist through almost every story in People or on Extra.

Ok, I get suckered in from time to time. I'll admit. Britney's "Lady Land" hanging out in concert, Octomom's unsupportable children habit and any of those ambiguous photos that say "whose ass is this?". I don't seek it out, but I don't exactly avoid it either.

Anyway, I can tolerate the rediculous stuff, but sometimes it's nice to see celebrities doing something awesome. Artistic even.

I have blogged about my fellow Missourian Brad Pitt before. As I said I'm a big fan. I normally try to avoid any "Brangelina" hype, but this I thought was amazing work, and I like the story behind it as well.

In 2005, Pitt and Jolie were filming Mr and Mrs Smith (While Brad was still married and before all the adopted children). The produced Smith movie was comedic and more suberbia than what Pitt had in his mind for the story. Brad apparently wanted a seedier mid-century style for the husband and wife. He saw them caught between the family that ties them to normalcy and the dark lives that they lead in secret from each other. Brad coordinated a photoshoot with photographer Steven Klein.

The photos turned out amazing. I saw these on FFFFound tonight.

You can read the article associated here:

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