Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Awesome Packaging Design

After my beer post yesterday, i got to thinking about how terrible the packaging for the Hoppin' Frog B.O.R.I.S The Crusher is. For such a deliscious beer, it looks like it would taste like Frog crap and swamp water, and trust me the consitency of the beer doesn't help in relieving that concern either. It wouldn't surprise me if some would just pass it up just for that reason.

Now, mind you I am the type of person who chooses wine based on bottle design and label, not quality, age or grape. Not so much with beer, but sometimes I'll give a beer a try just because I like the design.

A perfect example is the above beer and its gorgeous packaging. The Howling Monkey Black and Tan is damn near perfectly designed all way down to the choice of bottle. The design firm Tuner Duckworth can take well deserved credit here for an amazing capture of a brand.

I can't wait to try this beer, and I don't even like black and tans. I mean I'll drink them if they are done right. This is what I mean by done right:

But what we have with Howling Monkeys and with any black and tan in one bottle is what a 8 year old me would call a "suicide". A "suicide" is essentially every flavor of soda from the fountain, including but not limited to Coke, Sprite, Orange, Root Beer, and Mr. Pibb (none of this Pibb Xtra bullshit... what's Xtra?... another post I guess). Just like a black and tan in a bottle it always tasted OK, but never as good as each flavor would have on its own. Especially if Hawaiian Punch came into play... never a good compliment to any other soft drink.

This kid has the right idea, and I can admit that he's a stronger man than I.

But I digress.

Here are some amazing packaging designs I have been seeing on this great site Lovely Package. Check them out:

Check out the site for some great inspiration, or just awesome products that probably aren't half as awesome as their packaging.

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